Are you considering LASIK?

Are you considering LASIK? Here are a few of the questions to ask during your appointment:

  • Is my prescription within the approved range?  LASIK is approved by the FDA to treat certain degrees of nearsightedness, farsightedness and certain types and degrees of astigmatism.
  • Am I the right age for it? Eyes and visual acuity fluctuate to about age 25, during pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause, and after age 40-45 (when presbyopia and other aging eye changes may begin).
  • Have my eyes been relatively stable?
  • Are my current work, family life, and sports and recreation choices compatible with LASIK?
  • What results can I reasonably expect? What might be the best and worst case scenarios?
  • If LASIK results do not meet our goals, what might be involved in retreatment?
  • About how long does it take for eyes to recover and adjust after LASIK? What kinds of adjustments at work or home might I need to make during this time?
  • If I experience any undesirable side effects, about how long might it be before these resolve, and how might they be treated?
  • Would any of the medications I’m taking, either prescription or over-the-counter, rule out LASIK or affect the results?
  • Do I have other general health or eye conditions that might rule out LASIK or need to be treated and resolved before the procedure?  Diabetes, autoimmune diseases, immunodeficiency states; eye conditions including: dry eye, uveitis and other eye inflammations, eye injuries or previous surgeries, keratoconus, corneal scarring, cataract, glaucoma, retinal disease, ocular herpes can all affect your ability to successfully have LASIK.
  • What are the costs of LASIK and of potential related treatments?

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