Our Blog
How to Recognize Signs of Vision Problems in School-Age Children
Your eyes are more than just windows to the world. The eyes are a complex and powerful tool that enable us to experience life in vivid detail. From the moment you wake up and see the morning light to the time you close your eyes at bedtime, your vision impacts how you...
Why School Vision Screenings Fall Short: The Importance of a Full Eye Exam
It’s that time again — August means back-to-school for many children. Parents are busy buying the perfect backpack, notebooks, writing utensils, and school clothes so students have everything they need for a successful school year. But did you know that August is also Vision and Learning Month? It makes perfect sense because 80% of everything you – and your kids — learn comes through the visual pathway! The American Optometric Association states that 25% of all school-age children have a vision problem that is significant enough to impact their ability to learn. That’s why it’s essential to get a comprehensive visual exam before your child begins the...
Is Your Student At Risk for Progressive Myopia?
In our offices and around the country, optometrists are seeing a significant—and disturbing—new trend: more and more patients are presenting with myopia, or nearsightedness. People with myopia can see close-up objects clearly, but objects at a distance...
7 Ways College Students Can Protect Their Eye Health
Are you the parent of a college student or a new college student yourself? It’s a big responsibility! College days are full of excitement and learning. Sometimes you learn in a classroom, and sometimes you learn things from friends in a dorm or other social...
When—and Why—Your Child Needs A Comprehensive Eye Exam
Vision is one of the most precious of our five senses — its impact on our lives can’t be overstated. Up to 80% of the knowledge we learn and the information we perceive comes in through our eyes. That’s why protecting your vision—and the vision...
Why Parents Must Prioritize Back-To-School Eye Exams For School-Age Kids
August is Vision and Learning Month in the U.S. The goal of observing this vital link between vision and how we learn serves to enhance awareness among both parents and educators about how often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed visual problems impact a...
9 Ways To Protect Eyes from UV Damage
As we continue observing National UV Safety Month throughout July, we want to offer smart strategies to help you minimize the exposure your eyes have to harmful UV rays. Minimizing UV ray exposure can help maintain your healthy vision for as long as possible. UV ray...
Why It’s Smart To Protect Your Eyes From the Sun
It’s the dog days of summer! If it’s not hot enough for you in July, it never will be. July is National UV Safety Awareness Month. With more than 14 hours of sunlight each day, it’s a great opportunity to learn why you need to protect your eyes from...