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5 Questions about Diabetes and Your Eye Health
In the last 20 years, the number of American adults diagnosed with diabetes has doubled. Did you know that 37 million Americans have diabetes, and approximately 21% of those are unaware that they have it? Couple that statistic with the 96 million people considered...

9 Surprising Health Conditions an Eye Exam Can Uncover
Did you know that an annual eye exam goes far beyond making sure that you are seeing your best? It is one of the few ways to uncover possible health concerns without imaging, surgery, or blood draws. Your optometrist is actually looking inside of your body as they examine your optic nerve, retina, and lens of the eye. This “insider information” can reveal abnormalities that indicate systemic disorders and diseases before symptoms appear. Following are 9 significant health conditions that your optometrist may uncover during your annual eye exam: High Blood Pressure High blood pressure (HBP) impacts one in three American adults. During a comprehensive, dilated eye exam, your...
Add an Eye Exam to your Back to School Checklist
Back-to-school time is upon us and while many students’ lists include backpacks, rulers, and new shoes, there’s one more thing parents need on their back-to-school checklist – a comprehensive eye health and vision exam for their student. Studies show that as much as...
School and Sports Have Tremendous Visual Demands
The school year is almost here! As kids prepare to work their brains, keep in mind that being a student also places great demand on their eyes. Time for an Eye Exam It’s always a good idea to have your student’s eyes checked at the start of a new school year. As much...
Your Children’s Vision and Success in School
Early eye examinations are crucial to make sure children have normal, healthy vision so they can perform better at schoolwork or play.Students may give up on their classwork rather than admit they can’t see what their teacher is writing on the board. This seemingly...
Five Features of Children’s Sunwear that are Musts
In addition to having lenses that block 100 percent of the sun's UVA and UVB rays and a significant amount of potentially harmful blue light, children's sunglasses should also have these features: Impact-resistant lenses.The best lenses for children's sunglasses are...
Summer can be Dangerous for Adults over 60
Most of us look forward to summer but hot weather can be dangerous, particularly to adults over 60. A University of Chicago Medical Center study found that 40% of heat-related fatalities in the U.S. were among people over 65. There are several reasons why boomers and...
Do children really need sunglasses?
According to most eye doctors and researchers, the answer is an emphatic "yes." Because children tend to spend more time outdoors than most adults, experts say nearly half of a person's lifetime exposure to ultraviolet radiation can take place by age 18. ...