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Help Your Student Avoid Pink Eye This School Year

Help Your Student Avoid Pink Eye This School Year

In the U.S. alone, students miss an average of 3 million school days a year due to symptoms of conjunctivitis or “pink eye” as it is commonly known. Pink eye is highly contagious and can spread rapidly in areas of close contact, such as schools, daycares, and athletic facilities. This is due in part to shared use of digital devices, books, toys, athletic equipment, and restrooms where kids touch door knobs, bathroom faucets, and toilet handles. There are several contagious and non-contagious ways to contract conjunctivitis. Below are some important facts to remember about pink eye – its causes, symptoms, how to avoid it, and when to contact your optometrist. Common Causes...

Digital surfacing relies on a controlled combination of lens design, precisely made molds, and manufacturing technology to create the perfect lens.

Digital surfacing relies on a controlled combination of lens design, precisely made molds, and manufacturing technology to create the perfect lens.

Digital lenses use a new design process for lenses which take into account reading posture, near zone placement, binocular vision, and sharper central focus. Today, a computer program calculates all of these factors into a lens that gives you best vision in all areas...